DC Comics Batman Hush Statue Poison Ivy 1/3 via Prime 1 Studio

DC Comics Batman Hush Statue Poison Ivy 1/3 via Prime 1 Studio

DC Comics Batman Hush Statue Poison Ivy 1/3 via Prime 1 Studio

DC Comics Batman Hush Statue Poison Ivy 1/3 via Prime 1 Studio

Batman Hush Statue Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy Skin Color Version is a 1:3 scale collectible figure that was created by Prime 1 Studio and is based on the Batman: Hush video game. Batman: Hush is a story arc that was released in the Batman monthly series of comic books between 2002 and 2003. Batman’s adversary, Poison Ivy, is known by her name.

She is portrayed as one of the most notorious environmental extremists in the world today. She is completely preoccupied with flora, the study of botany, and environmental issues. Her illegal endeavours, which are typically designed to safeguard the natural environment, are carried out with the assistance of poisons derived from plants and from her own bloodstream.

She concocts love potions with the intention of luring Superman and other strong-willed individuals into her web.
Poison Ivy will have a complexion similar to that of a natural person if you get this variant of the skin colour. Providing a fresh perspective on the alluring and seductive figure while also making her appear more humanlike and grounded in realism.

In addition to this, her pale skin tone enables her gorgeous green eyes to stand out and shine along with her crimson locks and lips. Her lips and hair are both a vibrant shade of red.


Definitely a must-have for any DC Comics fan.

– Statue Size approx. 30.8 inches tall [H: 78.4cm W: 64cm D: 52cm] – One (1) designed theme base

Batman Hush is an iconic comic book storyline written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by Jim Lee. Initially published in 2002, the story follows Bruce Wayne and his alter-ego, Batman, as they confront a mysterious villain called Hush. This mysterious foe knows all of Batman’s secrets – even those he keeps from his closest allies – and is determined to use them against him.

The story arc was met with critical acclaim due its unique take on the Dark Knight mythos. In addition to its captivating narrative, fans were also drawn to the compelling art work provided by Jim Lee who captures every moment of tension between Batman and Hush with stunning detail. The bold colors employed throughout helped bring this thrilling adventure to life in a way that no other artist could have achieved.

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#DCComics #BatmanHush #Statue #PoisonIvy 1/3 via #Prime1Studio
