How to Draw Marvel Characters Stan Lee – 60 Min Video Tutorial

How to Draw Marvel CharactersHow to Draw Marvel Characters

How to Draw Marvel Characters Stan Lee – 60 Min Video Tutorial

How to Draw Marvel Characters Stan Lee – 60 Min Video Tutorial

Learn to Draw Marvel Comics.Impress your homies with your Spider-man,Hulk,Fantastic Four  & Avengers drawing skills. Ever since inception Stan Lee has captivated the minds of millions with his wonderful colorful Heroes & Villains.Today Marvel Comics has an even bigger audience and fan base.The Marvel Characters are almost timeless and never get old or boring.

How to Draw Marvel Characters Stan Lee - 60 Min Video TutorialHow to Draw Marvel Characters Stan Lee - 60 Min Video Tutorial
How to Draw Marvel Characters Stan Lee – 60 Min Video Tutorial

Watch this Excellent introduction into the world of drawing Marvel Comics. 60 Min Video Tutorial and learn direct from the Master Himself. . Even though it’s old (1986) ,it still gives a full insight and is a great foundation, covering all the basics that are still relevant today.

Presented by Stan Lee & John Buscema it covers all you need to know in the following chapters:

1. The Tools and Terms of the Trade.
2. The Secrets of Form: Making an Object Look Real.
3. The Power of Perspective.
4. Lets Study the Figure.
5. Lets Draw the Figure.
6. The Name of the Game is Action.
7. Foreshortening
8. Drawing the Human Head
9. Composition.
10. Draw Your Own Comic Book Page.
11. The Comic Book Cover.
12. The Art of Inking.

Marvel Comics is the brand name and primary imprint of Marvel Worldwide Inc., formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, a publisher of American comic books and related media. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Worldwide’s parent company.

Marvel was started in 1939 by Martin Goodman under a number of corporations and imprints but now known as Timely Comics, and by 1951 had generally become known as Atlas Comics. The Marvel era began in 1961, the year that the company launched The Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and many others. The Marvel brand, which had been used over the years, was solidified as the company’s primary brand.

Marvel counts among its characters such well-known superheroes as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Black Widow, Wolverine, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Blade, Daredevil, the Punisher and Deadpool. Superhero teams exist such as the Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and the Guardians of the Galaxy as well as supervillains including Doctor Doom, Magneto, Thanos, Loki, Green Goblin, Kingpin, Red Skull, Ultron, the Mandarin, MODOK, Doctor Octopus, Kang, Dormammu, Annihilus and Galactus.

Most of Marvel’s fictional characters operate in a single reality known as the Marvel Universe, with most locations mirroring real-life places; many major characters are based in New York City.Additionally, Marvel has published several licensed properties from other companies. This includes Star Wars comics twice from 1977 to 1986 and again since 2015.#source #wiki


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#HowtoDraw #MarvelCharacters #StanLee – 60 Min #VideoTutorial

#HowtoDrawMarvel #Comics #ArtStanLee – #60Min #Video
