God of War Trailer- Memories of Mother Eivor – PS4 Video Games

GGod of War Trailer- Memories of Mother Eivor - PS4 Video Games

God of War Trailer- Memories of Mother Eivor – PS4 Video Games

God of War Trailer- Memories of Mother Eivor – PS4 Video Games. Watch this Incredible new Trailer for God of War Featuring stunning music by Eivor.

God of War Trailer- Memories of Mother Eivor - PS4 Video GamesGod of War Trailer- Memories of Mother Eivor - PS4 Video Games
God of War Trailer- Memories of Mother Eivor – PS4 Video Games

Memories of Mother: How the Music of God of War Brought Faye to Life .The spirit of Atreus’ mother is woven into the game through the enchanting vocals of Faroese singer, Eivor.

When co-producer Keith Leary and I were first briefed on the details of the God of War reboot story, our creative wheels were spinning. We had many conversations imagining, in very broad terms, what the new music might sound like. Would the bombastic onslaught of strings, brass, and choir remain? Would the fans like music that deviated from the sound of the original? Who would be up for the challenge of reimagining the sound of GOW?


God of War – A Voice From The Gods featuring Eivor


We began by laying out a few high-level ideas to pitch to game director Cory Barlog. The first was to have Bear McCreary compose the score. Keith had worked with Bear on SOCOM 4 and was impressed with his ability to integrate ethnic instruments into a modern orchestral sound, and by his gift for composing memorable themes. We were certain that the new score would rely on an assortment of Scandinavian instruments to help place it in the Norse world, so Bear’s expertise in this area was crucial.

Cory and Bear immediately hit it off, and we knew that we had found the right fit. The second idea was to use an Icelandic choir to sing in Old Norse rather than a traditional choir singing Latin text. We were aiming to retain the DNA of the original scores by using strings, brass, and choir, but wanted to tweak the choir just a bit to reflect the new setting of the game. The final idea was to give the deceased mother of Atreus, Faye, a voice ,so the vocals of Faroese singer, Eivor was just perfect !!




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