GREENER GRASS – A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5

GREENER GRASS - A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5

GREENER GRASS – A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5

GREENER GRASS – A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5

GREENER GRASS - A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5GREENER GRASS - A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5
GREENER GRASS – A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5

A pair of Troopers waiting to deploy discuss who has the better lot in life.

Starring Calum Gittins, Dallas Barnett, Peter Haynes, Hweiling Ow, and some Metahumans 🙂

AFK is a gaming / fantasy web series that follows the misadventures of a group of gamers who mysteriously wake up in the bodies of their MMO characters. Gender swapped, confused and out of their element, they must work together to survive in a hostile new world.

Filmed entirely in New Zealand, home of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit

Star Wars is an American epic space-opera multimedia brand that was created by George Lucas. It all started with the film with the same name, which was released in 1977, and it quickly became a hit in pop culture all over the world. The franchise has been developed into a number of films as well as other forms of media, including as television series, video games, novels, comic books, themed areas, and attractions at theme parks. Together, these forms of media comprise an expansive fictional universe. It was projected to be worth a total of $70 billion in the year 2020, and it is currently the fifth-highest grossing media franchise in the history of the world.

The first film in the series, titled Star Wars and released in 1977 with the retroactive subtitle Episode IV: A New Hope, was followed by the sequels Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983). Together, these three films are considered to be the original Star Wars trilogy. Later on, Lucas directed three films that were part of a prequel trilogy for the Star Wars film franchise. These films were Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002), and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005).

Following the sale of his production firm to Disney in 2012, George Lucas gave up his rights of the Star Wars franchise. This resulted in the production of a sequel trilogy, which included the films Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017), and Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (2018). (2019).

The first two instalments of the “Skywalker Saga” took home Oscars, despite the fact that the other seven films in the series were also considered for the award. It is now the second-highest grossing film franchise of all time thanks to the addition of the live-action “anthology” films Rogue One (2016) and Solo (2018), which brought in a combined total of over $10 billion at the worldwide box office.  The director Taika Waititi is working on a film that has not yet been given a title, and the film Rogue Squadron, which is set to be directed by Patty Jenkins, does not yet have a release date. Both of these films are among the other upcoming movies.



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#GREENERGRASS – A #StarWars #shortfilm made with #UnrealEngine5

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