Halloween TikToks @CosPlayMarilyn – Cortney Page vs Kay Kent

Halloween TikTok's @CosPlayMarilyn- Cortney Page vs. Kay Kent

Halloween TikTok’s @CosPlayMarilyn – Cortney Page vs Kay Kent

Cortney Page (b. February 21, 1965) is an American singer that dresses like Marilyn Monroe, since the 80s. Kay Kent (b. November 6, 1963) was a British celebrity impersonator that died on June 12, 1989.

Kay Kent broke up with rockstar boyfriend, Dean Hammond and committed suicide.
Cortney Page had an rockstar ex-boyfriend, Kurt Cobain that committed suicide.
Cortney Page is rumored to be an Intelligence spy; Kay Kent was rumored to be an Israeli Sayeret Matkal spy. Kay Kent was known to be involved with trafficking firearms. Cortney Page bought the Lake Arrowhead Gun Registry and won a wrongful foreclosure settlement.

Both Kay Kent and Cortney Page dressed/dresses or cosplayed/cosplays as Norma Jeane cosplaying as Marilyn Monroe.  Kay died before her 26th birthday, Cortney almost died before her 26th birthday.  Cortney Page was left for dead by the Green River Killer and woke up in the hospital with amnesia.  She has recently wrote her story called, “The Gates to Nirvana’s Pit.”

Both Cortney and Kay have double first names. They both have other actresses using their name(s) too. Kay Kent plays in “Mamockai; A Russian Folklore.” There is an Italian exotic star actress that goes by Cortney Page without the ‘U’ or ‘I’ in Courtney Paige.  There is a black American exotic actress named ‘Courtney Page’ that was born in 1993 and always mixed up online as the official Cortney Page; SAG union actress that looks like Marilyn Monroe.

Kay Kent posed for Penthouse magazines and Cortney Page co-hosted as a guest on Playboy Radio. Kay Kent was a model and Cortney Page a singer/actress. Cortney Page released “The Voice of Marilyn” album, which derives from her role in the 1993 cult classic, “Calendar Girl” movie.

About Cortney Page

Cortney Page is a singer, songwriter and Marilyn Monroe look alike that is a rising musical star, once in the late 80s and recently she has been in the headlines with the ‘Blonde’ movie.  She has said the Blonde movie is Brad’s fantasy of them, when they were struggling artists.  Brad’s Blonde was released by her old driver, when she was doing singing telegrams for a stripper company in the early 90s.  Cortney got amnesia in Seattle and returned to Hollywood, where she unknowingly reconnected with Brad Pitt.  Ms. Page claims that Brad Pitt’s career is mainly due to her advice and Hollywood connections and she has written a screenplay to tell her story.  Cortney says, “I don’t have enough memories for a book, so my short story spanning 17 years of time will have to be a 2-hour film.”

Cortney Page been impersonating Kay Kent, that impersonated Norma Jeane being the public persona; Marilyn Monroe? Marilyn is a popular Halloween costume, due to Norma Jeane creating it.  Cortney follows Kay’s dream by cosplaying Ms. Monroe: https://www.tiktok.com/@cosplaymarilyn

For more information: http://CortneyPage.com



Company: Box Starr

Contact: Cortney Page

Email: Cortney@cortneypage.com

Telephone: 1-855-X2C-4U2C

Lake Arrowhead, CA







