Sunday , December 22 2024

Most Convincing 10 Avengers Endgame Fan Theories


Of course, we’re excited about the upcoming Captain Marvel movie as much as we are the Avengers 4 movie, but we also have some major concerns. The film hasn’t even come out yet, and Captain Marvel is already being heralded as the most powerful superhero in the entirety of the MCU. Infinity War was an excellent movie for many reasons, and one of them was that we got to see so many beloved characters. We have spent years getting to know, so why is Captain Marvel all of a sudden going to swoop into the battle and save the day Well, one theory suggests she might be needed in the MCU for something besides her considerable firepower. Many fans believe this will be the final marvel movie for actor Chris Evans, who plays the part of Captain America. Sure. In the comic books, other characters including Bucky Barnes and Falcon go by Captain America, but the MCU versions of these characters are entirely different than in the comics. Sam Jackson has probably dropped an almighty spoiler about Captain Marvel which is confirming some Avengers Endgame Fan Theories. We’ve not talked about that spoiler here as it is HUGE.

Captain America is more than a guy with a shield. He represents specific moral code and a strict adherence here and stewards values. This is the aspect of his character. We don’t think the MCU could function without and it might be just what Captain Marvel is going to bring to the table. Thanos, has a lot of enemies. After his Black Order was wiped out during Infinity War, it seems like. Thanos was down to zero friends or even co-conspirators at this point. Now over the history of the MCU, Thanos doesn’t look like he’s trying very hard to make friends or influence people, but during Infinity War, we learned he’s capable of affection. Thanos called Gamora, his favourite daughter before, but many assume this was due to her fighting ability or perceived usefulness, but during Infinity War, we learned that he truly did love her.


Avengers 4 will be about Thanos in his own horrible, destructive way. Another understatement is that Thanos IS a flawed person. He believes his actions during Infinity War were justified because he was saving people from greater suffering in the future, but at the end of the movie, we see him taking a journey into the soul stone and learned that he felt his task cost him everything of value. In the EndGame trailer, Comic Book Fan saw a familiar sight than us giving up everything to become a farmer and live a quiet and contemplate of life. Sure, our heroes are going to fight like heck to undo the snap. But at this point, has already been defeated by his greatest enemy, himself.

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