Spider-Man Far from Home becomes the highest grossing movie for Sony of all time! Which leads to SPIDER-MAN Will LEAVE Marvel Cinematic Universe After Sony Disney Fallout!
This not a sudden decision because one movie has made a lot of money. Its been brewing for months! This is traumatic and devastating news for comic book fans today, and they have taken to social media to express their anger in droves as Spider-Man’s time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has reached its end. The #SaveSpiderMan hash tag and Boycott Sony were trending WORLDWIDE and even we got caught up in the emotion.

There are still two more Spider-Man movies to be produced with director Jon Watts and star Tom Holland involved. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige will have absolutely no involvement with them unless something like Fan power makes these guys change their minds.
“Sony and Marvel: Spider-Man is a GLOBAL TREASURE, you can’t just do what you like with him just cause you own him!
Disney wanted future Spider-Man movies to have 50/50 co-financing agreement which meant Disney would pay 50% for the movies and receive 50% of profits for their investment.
Sony weren’t willing to compromise, and Sony simply did not want to share its biggest earner. They did, however, offer to keep the current arrangement going which sees Disney receive 5% of first dollar gross. Disney said passed on the deal. We say, don’t Disney make enough money? Everyone is blaming Sony but Disney seem as complicit.