Star Wars Celebration Rise of Skywalker – Celebrity Interviews – Lando , Rey & C3PO

Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) in STAR WARS: EPISODE IX.

Star Wars Celebration Rise of Skywalker – Celebrity Interviews – Lando , Rey & C3PO

Star Wars Celebration Rise of Skywalker – Celebrity Interviews – Lando , Rey & C3PO

Star Wars Rise of Skywalker – Celebrity Interviews – Lando , Rey & C3PO

Join us for an Epic Adventure to the Star Wars  Convention @ Chicago 2019 – to Celebrate Star wars 9 we have Official Interviews with the long Awaited return of Billy Dee Williams – as Lando , Daisy Ridley – as “Rey” and Anthony Daniels – “C-3P0.



Official Video Footage by Lucas Films & Disney Entertainment



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#StarWars #Celebration #2019 – THE RISE OF #SKYWALKER – #epicheroes


