The Defenders Season 2 Revived With New Characters – Heroes for Hire
The Defenders Season 2 Revived With New Characters – Heroes for Hire

Marvel’s The Defenders, is an American tv series created for Netflix, based on the Marvel characters Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. It is kind of set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing some continuity with the MCU films like Avengers. It is the completion of a series of interconnected stories from Marvel and Netflix Luke Cage, Daredevil, Punisher, Iron Fist.
The limited series stars Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock / Daredevil, Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones, Mike Colter as Luke Cage, and Finn Jones as Danny Rand / Iron Fist, all of them reprised their roles from their own individual series. It also stars Élodie Yung as Elektra, and Scott Glenn as Stick.
Critics were mostly positive about the series one crossover, highlighting the chemistry between the different Defenders as well as Sigourney Weaver’s performance. Sadly critics AND fans were generally disappointed with the overall story, and use of the Hand as villains. Third-party data analysis shows that the miniseries was the least-viewed of the Marvel series and had the largest drop week-over-week in viewership, although it was also the third-most “Binge Raced” series globally according to Netflix.
With Daredevil Season 3 about to hit our screens next month, fans are still making nay pleading requests based on the improved Season 2 of Iron Fist. While it’s known there won’t be a Season 2 of Defenders, don’t rule out Marvel’s new team and possible TV series is teased by Marvel Head of TV Jeph Loeb. Loeb was then asked to further explain what he means:
In an interview Loeb said “There are tons of Avengers, and through that, you should be able to ascertain that there may be lots of Defenders. No one at any time referred to them as “The Defenders” — they didn’t wear a little “D” on their belts, and they didn’t go to a building that had a big “Defenders” [sign] in the air. They were four mismatched heroes who were joined by a lot of the other heroes that are in the stories that we do on Netflix, but that was that particular story.
In an interview with THR, it’s discussed that Daredevil Season 3 has a lot of freedom and this time didn’t have to tie into The Defenders miniseries, with Jeph Loeb offering things in Daredevil could play out in other ways that have yet to be revealed. It’s then remarked and reiterated here that Defenders won’t have a Season 2, with Loeb teasing other possibilities:
According to Head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb, one of these non-stop requests is, whether or not we’ll get a Heroes for Hire or Daughters of the Dragon series on Netflix.
Of course, the Daughters of the Dragon requests make sense, seeing as Colleen Wing (Jessica Henwick), who’s now imbued with the Iron Fist, and a robotic arm-wielding Misty Knight (Simone Missick) have impressed fans with their team-ups in the second seasons of both Luke Cage and Iron Fist.
As for the Heroes for Hire series, with no green light on a Defenders follow-up and Marvel still waiting to find about a third season of Iron Fist, Loeb could shift attention to this new street-level team, as he already has Misty in place, as well as the main ingredients in Danny Rand (Finn Jones) and Luke Cage (Mike Colter). With Luke currently the new kingpin of Harlem, this could also be an opportunity to introduce new characters such as Shang Chi or Moon Knight.
It’s rather interesting that Jeph Loeb says that basically Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist were not “Defenders,” which is a pretty big statement (especially considering it wasn’t all that good).
Regarding different characters being Defenders, the comics have seen dozens and dozens and dozens of Marvel characters take up the mantle ranging from the founding members, Doctor Strange, Hulk and Namor, to characters including Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, Nova, Wolverine and Iceman.
Perhaps with Disney launching their upcoming Disney Play streaming service and with the Fox Studios characters coming to Marvel, a new Defenders series will be released?
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