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Single-Player Games You Shouldn’t Miss out On

In today’s digital world video games are more popular than ever. They’re available on PCs, phones, and tablets. Every month a new developer is trying to make a name for itself with a new game title. This leaves gamers with thousands of games to choose from, making the situation difficult. The younger generation of gamers would go for the newer titles because of the appealing graphics they have, but good graphics doesn’t always mean a good game. Moreover, it doesn’t need to be online. Single-player games encompass a good story that can be enjoyed again and again. In that regard, here are a few such games that everyone should try.

Indian Games by Indian Developers for Every Gamer

Indian developers are pretty good when it comes to creating new games. Unfortunately, the video game market is so big that their games would either take too long to be recognized by a mainstream audience or will be left out. During the years, these developers have come up with some interesting titles. One example of their creativity is Asura. Everyone loves a good hack ’n’ slash game. Asura lets you play as a demon incarnation that slashes its way through Hell, seeking revenge. Hindu Mythology is the inspiration behind the characters. The graphics aren’t that bad but the gameplay is very satisfying.


Other titles that gamers can enjoy include Unrest and Stay Mum. The first one is an RPG set in an ancient Indian city and the second one is an interesting puzzle game. Besides these titles, Indian developers have shown their skills when it comes to turning everyday traditional games into online ones. Games like Gin Rummy and Teen Patti are only some of the Indian games that have made it into the libraries of online casinos. This means that Indians can play these games from the comfort of their home or on the go.

Games by Top Notch Developers

The list of games that everyone should play is a very long one and would take forever to complete. However, players shouldn’t miss out on some of the classics that set the cornerstone for modern games. The new version of Doom would easily find itself on any list of shooter video games but the old version is a classic because it doesn’t focus solely on the shooting. It has a horror element to it and enemies spawn where you least expect them. This keeps you on alert at all times as you don’t know if you’ve cleared through an area.


Another game that perfectly blends the story and shooting elements is Half-Life. It’s an old game and it doesn’t look like much but the story’s amazing and it’s a fun game to play. As the iconic Gordon Freeman, you get to blast through hordes of aliens to save the day. Any true gamer will know this masterpiece and would recommend it. Besides shooters, game companies have developed other types of games that shouldn’t be left out.

elder scrolls

When it comes to RPGs, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Skyrim’s predecessor, a game any gamer shouldn’t miss out on. The game’s graphics aren’t that great but the possibilities your character has in the game are endless. You can focus on the main story or roam through towns and villages looking for side quests. Either way, you’ll have lots of fun.

Finally, we arrive in the world of strategy games. The golden oldie title that makes every list of must-play video games is some title of the Age of Empires franchise. The game doesn’t look like much but it has a few campaigns offering a unique storyline. If you don’t feel like going through them you can play a custom game. Another thing that makes this franchise stand out is that the first two titles have some pretty funny bugs that were turned into memes.

age of empires

All in all, there are plenty of single-player games gamers should play before they can call themselves gamers. By playing these oldies they’ll learn that looks don’t matter when it comes to the game. Moreover, these and many other older games have a better story than most new titles so they should be surprised if they enjoy them.

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